Each year we dutifully sign our little ones up try and raise money for a good cause. Wouldn't it be wonderful if this year, we not only did our part to raise money for the cause, but also were able to offer our friends, family and neighbors a way to help the environment by purchasing safe, affordable lunch gear instead of wrapping paper or cookies.
Safe Munch School Lunch Eco-Fundraiser has answered the call. This exciting new fundraising concept offers a nice range of BPA, PVC, Phthalate and Melamine-free lunch containers. All of which are reusable and waste-free which could enable the parents to pack a healthy school lunch for their precious little ones.
You can choose to do website drives or catalog drives. Website drives are the quickest way for your organization to start earning money. Catalog drives are your traditional fundraiser with catalog and order forms available to download.
Register your non-for profit organization and get started today.