Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jamie Oliver Food Revolution

I hope you will take 20 minutes to watch this video of Jamie Oliver at the 2010 TED conference. Even though i try my best to feed my kids healthy food, i am not perfect and i could do much better (we love chocolate.) I was really inspired by Mr Oliver, it reminded me how i saw my mom cook and how much i learned from her. Are my kids learning healthy eating habits from me? Not always. Do my kids know what a cauliflower is? I am ashamed to say they don't. With our busy schedule, we forget what is important and instead of always running from and to after school activities, maybe one after school activity should be cooking with our kids not for them. I am doing it this week. Please share with me your thoughts.
For my e-mail readers, please click on this link to see the video: Jamie Oliver.

1 comment:

Kimberly Taylor said...

I love your blog Valerie! Thank you for sharing all of these great products and information. I was not shocked by this video (I already knew this), but instead was ashamed that I am guilty of some of what he talks about. I am now even more energized and inspired to continue my quest to help my family eat more healthy. I am also looking forward to starting our garden again this year!